Mexican Wine Tasting Experience

Mexican Wine Tasting

Learn all about the world of Mexican wine, past and present, the country’s wine regions and their acclaimed wines during a fascinating tasting evening with Sommelier Laura Sanchez.

Mexican winemaking has a long history dating back to the 16th century and the Spanish Conquest, but it is in the last 40 years that it has really burst upon the world stage. Longstanding family-owned companies in Baja California, Coahuila and central Mexico share space with independent boutique vineyards experimenting with bold new blends of grapes and the latest technology to improve quality and bring out the notes and flavors inspired by the terroir. The creativity of wine producers has garnered more than 2,000 awards in international festivals in the last few years. Join us to try some of Mexico’s vibrant vintages.

Mexican wine fast facts

  • The first vines were brought to Mexico from Spain in 1521 and conquistador Hernan Cortes ordered Spanish settlers to plant grapes.
  • Monks began to make wine for use in communion in central Mexico and took vines with them as they founded missions in the north; in 1683, Fray Junípero Sierra planted the first vines in Baja California.
  • In the late 16th century, Mexican wine production was outpacing that of Spain causing the Spanish king to ban cultivation and new vineyards in the country.
  • The oldest family-owned vineyard in Mexico is in Valle de Parras, Coahuila, the award-winning Casa Madero dates from 1597.
  • During the late 19th-century, European vineyards were laid waste by the phylloxera blight. Vines from Mexico and California were discovered to be immune to the pest and the technique of grafting European vines to American rootstocks saved the European wine industry.
  • Approximately 85 percent of all Mexican red wine is produced in Baja California and there are more than 150 wineries in Valle de Guadalupe, San Antonio de las Minas, Ojos Negros, Valle de la Grulla, San Vicente and Valle Santo Tomás.
  • Mexico has some of the highest vineyards in the world, at altitudes of 2,000 and 2,500 meters in Queretaro and Zacatecas.

The Mexican Wine Tasting Experience is on Tuesdays at 6 p.m. Reservations with your Concierge.