Christmas Cheer
As we get ready to celebrate the holidays with family and friends and look forward to 2024, we may be toasting with a cocktail or two. Serve them as an aperitif, to pair with a dish, a dessert or even as an after-dinner drink. Our December cocktail from the Grand Residences mixologists is the classic Cosmopolitan with a festive twist.
- 50 ml. vodka
- 25 ml. Cointreau
- 25 ml. cranberry juice
- 25 ml. lima juice
- Ice
Frost the glass with grated lima rind and sugar
Pour the vodka into a cocktail shaker, add the Cointreau or Triple Sec, cranberry juice and then the lime juice and ice. Shake for a minute. Rub the rim of the glasses in lima juice and frost with the sugar. Garnish with a slice of lima.
Lima is not as sour as lime and is used in Yucatecan cuisine. If you cannot get it, mix lime juice and a dash of orange juice as an alternative.