Hailing from Wisconsin, the Bayerleins have been Royal Resorts members for 23 years, originally at The Royal Caribbean, then The Royal Islander and finally at The Royal Sands. They then decided to purchase a year-round residence at Grand Residences with Doug’s brother Steve and his wife Barbara. When asked what made them decide to become Grand Residences owners, Karen says, “Our past history with Royal Resorts and the company’s credibility had a big part to play in our decision. We love the Cancun area, it is so accessible from the United States, there is so much to do here and the golf is fabulous, which makes my husband and brother-in-law very happy, as they are both avid golfers. There are many fine restaurants, which also suits us because we are choosy about our food and like good wines. And our kids have always loved it here.
“We had been thinking about buying a full-time condo in Cancun but we didn’t want to have to pay staff to look after it or foot the maintenance costs, so Grand Residences was the perfect solution. Investing in Grand Residences was also a business decision for us,” she adds, “We run a high-end treadmill company and we had been looking to expand our operation into Mexico. Our treadmills are in the fitness center at the resort and all the Royal Resorts gyms. Other local companies are interested in our brand; Royal Resorts is a standard that they all look up to.”
“I guess the thing that I remember most from my first visit to Grand Residences as owners in December 2013 was the view of the ocean through the front window, it was stunning.” Karen says, “I have been down since then with my daughter and friends to celebrate her twenty-first birthday in June and it poured every day. They still loved it though! We are planning to bring other members of the family down with us this year and we have also used our unit for vacations with friends, company staff and for rental purposes.”
“The ambiance at the resort is over the top,” Karen says, “It is by far the finest resort in the area, there’s no doubt about it. We love the location, the low-key, quiet and friendly ambiance of Puerto Morelos is close by, and then there’s cosmopolitan Cancun and crazy Playa del Carmen, both of which are just a short drive away.”
“When we are on vacation my husband and brother-in-law play golf and I like to relax and take time off from our hectic schedule,” Karen says, “All the Grand Residences services and staff are outstanding. I know that even more options are planned for the future such as a larger Spa, store and another restaurant and I will be excited to see the improvements to what are already very impressive services.”
“My message to Grand Residences owners who haven’t visited yet is that they need to hurry up and come down if they haven’t already experienced their luxury home,” Karen adds, “The staff are doing a wonderful job of making us feel at home. The resort is amazing but they raise the bar even more and make it truly outstanding.”
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